March 6, 2021


🟢 XP and Levelling:

You will now gain experience points from doing your regular tasks around Stallion Squad. Picking up items, chopping down trees and doing your gardening are just some of the many ways to level up. There will be more functionality added to this in a later update.

🌍 More world customization:

Beta v21 features new ways to customize your world and an overhauled look to the "Create World" UI. In addition to these new features, you can now also change world settings by using commands such as /cheats (on/off) and /gamemode (survival/creative).



  • Added Fishing.
  • Added XP and Levels.
  • Leaving the seed field empty when creating a world will now generate a random seed.
  • Added support for multiple tabs in the Item Shop.
  • Added an in-game chat. Click T to access it. See a list of commands with /help.
  • Herobrine added.
  • Herobrine removed.

UI and UX:

  • Updated the Create World screen with new options and an overhauled look.

Art and Music:

  • "Wave" emote is now free for all players.
  • Removed the volume slider from the music player. (You can now find the volume slider in the audio settings).
  • Added a new sound setting value for mob sounds.
  • Temporarily disabled carnival sounds in the hub.
  • The running animation while holding something will now properly grip the item.
  • Added 3 new emotes:- Goopie Slide inspired by Goopie's Tik Tok dance.- Car Shearer inspired by Car Shearer's Tik Tok dance.- Waddle On inspired by the dance from Club Penguin.


  • Added a debug menu by clicking F3. Displays current world seed,
  • Added new developer commands for adding/removing XP from player.
  • The length of a world seed has been extended from 8 to 9 characters.
  • You can no longer create a world with the same name as an existing world.

Bug Fixes

  • ✅ Fixed: The client can't see the terrain when playing on Multiplayer.
  • ✅ Fixed: Audio will stop playing when the volume is set to 0.
  • ✅ Fixed: Audio settings do not properly save.
  • ✅ Fixed: Sometimes when creating a world it will create a second world with the name "MySaveGame".
  • ✅ Fixed: Arrows to return from UI is broken.
  • ✅ Fixed: UI does not dynamically change according to screen size when full-screened. Some of the UI is cut off.

You can track bugs and other issues on our trello board.
